Lexia 3 DiagBox conseils d'installation de v7.02 et solution d'erreur d'activation

Publié le par diyobd2.fr

One of the Lexia 3 V48 users of the Peugeot Planet interface PP2000 DiagBox fell on lexia3 DiagBox and turn to obd2france.com engineer for help. Next are the problem and the retail solution provided.

When installing and activating lexie 3 DiagBox software for PSA Peugeot and Citroën, the Lexia 3 interface program displays an error message: (picture display below)

It was one of the authentication windows asked to enter the username and password. CONFIRMATION MESSAGE Important: If you do not identify yourself. You will not be able to access the requested operation ... Want to access this operation? Possible Cause: In the software program, we can see that the DiagBox it has installed version 7.02. The DiagBox diagnostic software has not been fully installed.


Re-install the Lexia-3 DiagBox software until the installation procedure is complete.
Best suggestion is to upgrade lexie 3 to the current version of DiagBox v7.57.
Here are a few user guides provided to help install

Publié dans Lexia 3

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